Our impact
Our work has been published in many diverse and far reaching academic, scholarly journals and publications. It's an honor to have our work in the world of academia, but it's also a privilege to be able to challenge current scholarship and push the boundaries and expectations of current research. To include voices and perspectives of a diverse research team and utilize new media to disseminate findings.
Media Publications
Supporting the Needs of Immigrant-Origin Students to Foster Civic Engagement (Zine, 2017)
From the Civic Engagement Project, 2017. Download
It’s Time, 2014. From the Undocusholars Summer Session.
Spirit of Resistance, 2017.
Selected Scholarly Publications
Katsiaficas, D., Volpe, V.V., *Raza, S., & *Garcia, Y. (2019). The role of campus support, undocumented identity, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on civic engagement for Latinx undocumented undergraduates. Child Development, 90 (3), 790-807. doi:10.1111/cdev.12933
Katsiaficas, D., Hernandez, E.,* Alcantar, C. M.,* Gutierrez, M.N.,* Samayoa, E.,* & Williams, Z*. (2018). “We’ll get through this together”: Collective contribution in the lives of undocumented undergraduates. Teacher’s College Record, 120 (12), 1-48.
Katsiaficas, D. (2018). Infusing the Study of Social Responsibilities with an Intersectional Approach. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development (161), 39-56. doi: 10.1002/cad.20249.
Katsiaficas, D. (2017). “I know I’m an adult when… I can care for myself and others:” Social Responsibilities and Emerging into Adulthood for Community College Students. Emerging Adulthood, 5 (6), 392-405.Doi:10.1177/2167696817698301
Katsiaficas, D., Alcantar, C. M.,* Hernandez, E.,* Gutierrez, M.N.,* Samayoa, E.,* Texis, O.R.,* & Williams, Z.* (2016). Important theoretical and methodological turning points for understanding contribution with undocumented undergraduates. Qualitative Psychology, 3 (1), 7-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/qup0000043.
Katsiaficas, D., Futch, V., Fine, M., & Sirin, S.R. (2011). Everyday hyphens: Methodological pluralism for understanding multiple selves. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8 (2), 1-19.